Privacy Policy

Most recent update: 05/07/2023

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At Resurrect., we are committed to protecting your privacy and want to give you, as a customer, visitor to our website or webshop, or partner, as much information and control as possible over what happens to your personal data.

We only process personal data in accordance with applicable European and Belgian legislation, including the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (this is the General Data Protection Regulation or AVG, also known as GDPR) and the Act of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

With this privacy policy, we hope to provide you with as much information as possible about what we do with your personal data at Resurrect in a clear and transparent way. If you have any questions after reading this policy, please feel free to contact us.

When does this policy apply?

This privacy policy clarifies how we generally process your personal data at Resurrect. For example, when you visit one of our websites or webshop:

This privacy policy also applies when you apply for vacancies or when you use our services in general and we are the data controller with respect to the processing of your personal data. However, when performing our services, we generally act as processors for our clients. How we handle personal data in that case is described in the processor agreement we enter and depends on our client’s instructions. If you, as a data subject, have any questions about the processing of your personal data in that context, you can contact the controller, being our customer.

Please note, if our website directs you to another website, please be aware that different terms and conditions or a different privacy policy may apply.

Why do we collect and process your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data for various reasons, but only to the extent necessary to achieve the intended purpose. Below is an overview of the reasons why we process specific categories of personal data, including the corresponding legal basis for such processing.

Identification and contact details of website visitors, (webshop) customers and partners
When you fill in contact forms on our website, purchase products or services through our online web shop, or provide data because of our partnership, we process your identification and contact data to perform our services and for billing purposes. Where you have given your explicit consent (or if you are an existing customer), we also process this data for direct marketing purposes. In addition, we process some personal data for general business administration purposes to comply with our legal obligations.
  • Performance of the agreement

  • Legitimate interest

  • Consent

  • Legal obligation

Professional information
When you apply for a vacancy, we process your professional data to assess your suitability for the position and for recruitment purposes in general. If you have consented, we will also keep your professional data for any future vacancies.
  • Performance of the agreement

  • Legitimate interest

  • Consent

Technical information, history and log files
We collect specific personal data through cookies (and similar technologies) installed on our website and webshop.
We refer to our cookie policy for more information

Each processing activity of personal data is based on a specific legal basis. The legal basis on which our processing activities are based are clearly stated in the overview above, but we think it is important to explain each of these concepts in more detail:

Execution of the agreement

This legal basis means that we process your personal data to offer you, our services.

Legitimate interest (of the controller or a third party)

This legal basis involves balancing our processing of your personal data against its impact on your privacy. We always strive to maintain the right balance in this regard. The interests we pursue are:

·       Making the best possible recruitment decisions;

·       Business development in general;

·       Providing the best customer service.


This legal basis is only used when you explicitly consent (e.g., via opt-in) to the use of your personal data for specific purposes.

Legal obligation

This legal basis means that our processing of your personal data is based on a legal obligation imposed on us.

We always aim to process as little personal data as necessary for the purpose we are pursuing. For example, the personal data we request are often essential for us to be able to assist you or provide the services you have requested. Without processing such personal data, we would often be unable to respond to your request.

What personal data do we collect and process?

Depending on the interactions you have with us, we process the following personal data:

Identification and contact details of website visitors, (webshop) customers and partners

When you fill in contact forms on our website or contact us via the chat function, buy products or services via our webshop, when we do business in general or when you send us your personal data directly (via our website, webshop or by e-mail), we by default process your name, gender, address, e-mail address, company name, job title, telephone number, communication preferences and any other personal data you may share with us via free entry fields.

Professional information

When you apply for a vacancy, we process your name, gender, age, contact details, professional experience, financial information, curriculum vitae, including your education and work history and any other relevant personal data you share with us during the recruitment process.

Technical information, history, and log files

We collect specific personal data by means of cookies (and similar technologies) installed on our website and web shop. We refer to our cookie policy for a complete overview of all cookies we use and all relevant information in this regard.

How do we collect personal data?

We collect your personal data when:

  • you provide certain data directly to us (e.g., by e-mail, post, or telephone contact).
  • you visit our website or webshop;
  • you fill in a contact form on our website to contact us or ask us a question;
  • you purchase our products or services;
  • you apply for a vacancy;
  • we enter a commercial relationship.
  • you contact us via one of the (social media) platforms on which we operate;

Does Resurrect use automated individual decision-making?

No, we will never make automated individual decisions nor carry out profiling based on the personal’ data we collect from you as a data controller.

Will my personal data be shared with third parties?

In principle, we share your personal data as little as possible. Depending on the personal data you provide to us, and the purposes associated with processing your personal data, we may share your personal data with the third parties listed below.

Suppliers, subcontractors and other service providers

We use other companies, independent service providers, suppliers, subcontractors, or other intermediaries to provide certain services. These include, for example, our IT and software suppliers, communication partners, payment software providers, law firms, consultants, accountants, etc. Such suppliers may process your personal data as necessary in the context of their services. If such parties are considered processors of your personal data, we will always sign a data processing agreement and ensure that they apply appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data.


Depending on the services you request from us, we may need to share your personal data with shipping and mail order companies, insurance companies, etc.

Governments, authorities, and auditors

If required by law, in the context of legal proceedings or in the case of an audit, we may share your personal data with specific authorities, government agencies or auditors.

Other group entities

We may share your personal data with other entities within our group to follow up our services or your requests as efficiently as possible.

Business transfer

In the event of a restructuring, business transfer or acquisition of Resurrect, your personal data may be transferred to third parties involved in this process.


Resurrect is committed to ensuring that your personal data is secure. We take adequate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of or access to personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed. For example, we implement physical security at our offices via a badge system and access control on our hardware. However, you should be aware that the internet is an open environment, and we cannot guarantee that unauthorised third parties will never be able to defeat or circumvent the measures we implement for security reasons to use your personal data for improper purposes.

Will your personal data be shared outside the EEA?

When we share your personal data with third parties or processors we work with, there is a possibility that your personal data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In that case, we will ensure that any such transfer outside the EEA is always GDPR-compliant, that we have a lawful basis for the transfer of your personal data and that we take appropriate measures to ensure an adequate level of protection for your personal data. We may do so, for example, by entering standard data protection provisions such as those issued by the European Commission or by implementing any other mechanism for protecting your personal data as provided for in applicable data protection legislation (e.g., binding corporate rules, adequacy decisions, etc.). Any future mechanisms introduced under applicable data protection legislation may also be used in this regard.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We never keep your personal data for longer than necessary. The retention periods prescribed by law may also affect this.

Identification and contact details of website visitors, (web shop) customers and partners

·       24 months when there is no customer relationship.

·       Until the end of the cooperation (+ 6 months) when there is a commercial relationship.

·       Until the withdrawal of your consent.

Professional information

During the respective application round.

Technical information, history, and logbooks

Please refer to our cookie policy

If we process personal data solely on the basis of your consent, we will delete such data after you withdraw your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Depending on the category of personal data and the purposes for which we process it, we may retain your personal data for up to 5 or 10 years after receipt (i.e., longer than described above). However, these retention periods only apply for legal or evidentiary purposes or for compliance with legal obligations.

Do we use your personal data for direct marketing purposes?

If you are an existing customer (based on our legitimate interest) or if you have given us the required consent, we may also process your personal data for direct marketing purposes (e.g., to send out a newsletter). This allows us to keep you informed about the products we offer, any promotions, events we organise and in general about the services we offer.

If you wish to withdraw the consent you have given us to process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, or object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes if such processing is based on our legitimate interest, you may do so at any time by contacting us or by changing your preferences via the unsubscribe link we include in our mailings. If you wish to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies on our website and web shop, please refer to our cookie policy.

What are my rights?

We would like to inform you of the rights you have in relation to your personal data. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please feel free to contact us, but be aware that we need to verify your identity by appropriate means to ensure that we do not share details of your personal data with anyone else.

Right of access – You have the right to request access to your personal data that we process at any time. You can ask us for what purposes we carry out such processing, who receives your personal data, how long we keep your personal data, etc. You are also welcome to visit our office to physically inspect your personal data. If you prefer us to send you a copy of your personal data that we process, it is also available upon request.

The right to rectification – If you believe your personal data that we process about you is no longer correct, please let us know so that we can correct or update it immediately.

The right to erasure – You can ask us to permanently delete your personal data that we process. This is the so-called “right to be forgotten”. It applies in various circumstances, for example when we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, when the processing of your personal data is no longer necessary for the original purposes, when we do not have a compelling legitimate interest to process your personal data and you object to the processing of your personal data, when we have to delete your personal data to comply with a legal obligation or judgment, or when we have unlawfully processed your personal data.

The right to restriction – You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing activities we carry out in relation to your personal data. This right applies in various circumstances, for example where you dispute the accuracy of your personal data and we need to verify your dispute, where we process your personal data unlawfully and you oppose the erasure of your personal data and request restriction instead, where we no longer need your personal data for processing but this is required in connection with legal claims, or where you object to the processing of your personal data but verification of our legitimate grounds is still pending.

The right to data portability – You have the right to receive your personal data that we process in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and you can ask us to transfer it to another controller.

Right to object – You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data (including any profiling activities) on grounds of our legitimate interest (or that of a third party) or on grounds of public interest. You also have the right to object to any direct marketing activities we carry out using your personal data. Every direct marketing message we send always contains an unsubscribe link, so that it is possible for you to unsubscribe easily.

Right to lodge a complaint – We encourage you to contact us first if you have any concerns about the way we process your personal data, but you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority if you believe that we have violated your rights or our responsibilities under applicable law. The relevant contact details of the Belgian data protection authority can be found at the end of this privacy policy.

How can you contact us?

We are at your disposal to help you with all your questions about privacy and the processing of your personal data. Feel free to contact us:

Resurrect BV
Oudeleeuwenrui 7/11
B-2018 Antwerp

How can you contact the data protection authority?

We encourage you to contact us first if you have any concerns about the way we process your personal data, but if you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your request or comment, or if you think we have processed your personal data unlawfully, you can contact the competent data protection authority. The contact details and website of the Belgian Data Protection Authority can be found below:

Belgische Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel

+32 (0)2 274 48 00

+32 (0)2 274 48 35

Changes to this privacy policy

We may update our privacy policy to inform data subjects such as yourself as accurately as possible about what we do with your personal data or because of applicable laws or regulations. Any changes will be published on our website so that the latest version of our privacy policy is always available to you. We advise you to consult this privacy policy regularly. That way you will have all the (updated) information on the processing of your personal data by Resurrect. Where possible, we will notify you by e-mail of any important changes.

Most recent update: 05/07/2023

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